Knowledge Centre — Harrier Talent Solutions

The Power of Competency-Based Assessments

Written by Harrier | Jul 3, 2024 4:20:13 AM
Key takeaways:
  • Enhanced Objectivity and Fairness in Hiring: Competency-based assessments focus on measurable skills and abilities, reducing subjectivity and unconscious bias in hiring decisions.
  • Alignment with Organisational Values and Culture: Tailoring competency assessments to reflect specific organisational values and needs ensures that candidates not only have the necessary skills but also fit well with the company culture.
  • Improved Role-Specific Evaluation: By designing assessments that test skills and behaviours relevant to specific roles, leaders can increase the likelihood of successful hires who meet job demands effectively.

Traditional hiring methods often emphasise a candidate's educational background, job history, and other resume credentials. While these factors provide a snapshot of a candidate's past experiences, they do not always predict future performance or fit within a specific role. Competency-based assessments, on the other hand, evaluate a candidate’s skills, behaviours, and abilities in scenarios relevant to the job. This approach provides a more accurate measure of a candidate’s potential to succeed.

For instance, instead of relying on a candidate’s claim of proficiency in communications, a competency-based assessment might involve a practical task where the candidate has to write a press release, or a blog. This shift from passive evaluation to active demonstration ensures that hiring decisions are based on actual performance, not just self-reported abilities.

Benefits Unpacked

Implementing competency-based assessments offers several benefits that enhance the recruitment process:

  1. Objective Hiring Decisions: By focusing on measurable skills and abilities, competency-based assessments reduce subjectivity in hiring decisions. This method ensures that candidates are evaluated on their actual performance, leading to more objective and fair outcomes.
  2. Reduction of Bias: Traditional hiring methods can be influenced by unconscious biases related to a candidate’s background, education, or previous employers. Competency-based assessments minimise these biases by standardising the evaluation process, thus promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.
  3. Alignment with Organisational Values: Competency assessments can be tailored to reflect the specific values and needs of an organisation. This alignment ensures that candidates not only possess the necessary skills but also fit well with the company culture and contribute to its long-term goals.
  4. Role-Specific Evaluation: These assessments are designed to test skills and behaviours relevant to the specific role, ensuring that candidates are well-suited for the positions they are applying for. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of successful hires who are capable of meeting job demands.

Implementation Strategies

Integrating competency-based assessments into the recruitment process requires careful planning and execution. Here are some actionable strategies to consider:

  1. Designing Assessment Criteria: Start by identifying the key competencies required for the role. Collaborate with hiring managers and team leaders to define the skills, behaviours, and attributes that are critical for success. Use this information to develop specific, measurable criteria for the assessments.
  2. Creating Realistic Scenarios: Develop assessment tasks that reflect real-world challenges candidates might face in the role. These scenarios should be relevant, practical, and aligned with the job’s responsibilities. This approach ensures that candidates are tested on their ability to perform tasks that are essential to the role.
  3. Utilising Technology: Leverage technology to streamline the assessment process. Online platforms can facilitate the administration, scoring, and analysis of competency-based assessments. These tools can provide valuable insights into a candidate’s performance, making it easier to compare and evaluate results objectively.
  4. Training Assessors: Ensure that those conducting the assessments are well-trained and understand the evaluation criteria. Consistent and unbiased evaluation is crucial for the effectiveness of competency-based assessments. Provide training sessions to standardise the assessment process and ensure fair treatment of all candidates.
  5. Evaluating Results Effectively: Develop a systematic approach to analyse assessment results. Look beyond scores to consider qualitative feedback and behavioural observations. This comprehensive evaluation helps to create a well-rounded view of each candidate’s capabilities and potential fit within the organisation.
  6. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and refine your assessment processes based on feedback and outcomes. Stay updated with industry best practices and emerging trends in competency-based assessments to ensure your methods remain effective and relevant.


The shift from traditional hiring methods to competency-based assessments represents a significant advancement in talent acquisition. By focusing on a candidate’s ability to perform in specific scenarios, organisations can make more objective, fair, and effective hiring decisions. Implementing these assessments requires careful planning and execution, but the benefits – including reduced bias, better alignment with organisational values, and more accurate role-specific evaluations – make it a worthwhile investment. If you would like more advice on undertaking competency-based assessments speak to our team at Harrier.