7x7 EVP Framework, Part Five: Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is a redundant argument yet a critical component of your EVP. Businesses (and business leaders) that do not embrace this concept are, however, likely to suffer in several ways:
Archaic thinking from business leaders who do not embrace work-life balance are mistaken in their approach, as it fails to acknowledge the changing needs and priorities of today's workforce. Don’t be that leader. Embrace work-life balance, and don’t risk falling behind your competitors in missing out on the benefits of a supportive work environment.
Work-life balance is yet another important contributor to EVP. It encompasses a supportive and fulfilling workplace that allows employees to balance their personal and professional responsibilities — helping them thrive. By incorporating work-life balance into your EVP, you can create a productive environment that produces a win-win for your employees and business. 

In our next post, we present best practices in designing and delivering a comprehensive employee learning and development program as part of your EVP.