Leading Mining Organisation: Developing Transitional Skills Programs to Increase Leadership-level Female Diversity

Our client

Our client is one of the world’s largest metals and mining companies, operating in 35 countries, with revenues of approximately $55 billion.  


Our client, a leading international mining organisation, had successfully implemented entry-level programs to increase female diversity. Their next initiative was to increase female diversity at a leadership-level through identifying and recruiting talent with transferable skills from alternative industries.  


Achieving diversity targets within male-dominated industry 

Operating within a traditionally male-dominated industry, our client had not achieved the desired success in increasing women in leadership roles through either internal promotion or hiring from within industry.   

Quality of hire at leadership level 

Our client sought a program that would identify suitable roles for transferable skills hiring, identify target industries with leadership-level female talent with transferable skills, and create the tools needed to implement it internally. 

Hiring manager and candidate experience 

Critical to the program’s success was an approach that extended beyond the recruitment of transferable skills to ensure that Hiring Managers and their teams had the support, capacity, and skills to onboard and successfully train new to industry hires.  


Harrier’s approach was to design an easily repeatable program which could be internally implemented and built upon. Our approach included:

  • Developing a Hiring Manager Toolkit and program documentation to enable program rollout; 
  • Implementing a pilot to trial the program and gain advocacy.   

Hiring Manager Toolkit: Quality of hire and Hiring Manager experience 

 A program toolkit was designed to inform Hiring Managers on the benefits of hiring for transferable skills. Our program enabled our client to review roles within their department and determine suitability for transferable skills hire. This included guidance on:  

  • how to easily assess factors that could impact the success of the approach 
  • how to review the role requirements to incorporate the competencies and attributes that a new-to-industry hire would need to be successful rather than focusing on the experience and knowledge needed; and 
  • how to document this as a profile to recruit to.  

Pilot Program: Female diversity   

We worked in partnership with key HR stakeholders and Hiring Managers to identify potential roles for inclusion in a pilot program:  

  • Developed program briefing documentation, project plan and communications 
  • Partnered with Hiring Managers to assess pilot roles and design new hiring profiles  
  • Reviewed alternative industries to identify suitability for transferable skills and availability of female talent   
  • Engaged female talent to gauge interest, identify barriers to considering opportunities within mining and resources, and presented findings back to stakeholders 
  • Developed success measures that could be implemented to determine program success and opportunities for improvement.  


Due to the pilot program's success, we supported our client to expand the pilot program across the wider organisation. Some key impacts include successful female employee stories as part of the clients Employee Value Proposition (EVP), and improved gender balance in typically male roles.  

Our client, a leading international mining organisation, had successfully implemented entry-level programs to increase female diversity. Their next initiative was to increase female diversity at a leadership-level through identifying and recruiting talent with transferable skills from alternative industries.   

Contact us today for an obligation free consultation. Discover how our tailored solutions can help you achieve your diversity and inclusion objectives.

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